September 7, 2009

typical college student?

My first 2 weeks in college are done with.
14 more in the semester.
People may wonder if i feel out of place because i'm younger or something.
But no, i feel right at home.
[one of the guys on the brochure for my school is in my chem lab haha]
Let me go over my 'experiences', per se.

Usually, I'll arrive to school between 10 and 10.30 on my bike and head to the club room to get on my laptop or play video games. haha.
I leave around 11, so I can get a seat in my Chemistry Lecture that begins at 11.10.
This week, I sat next to a student whom along with her twin brother, also took the CHSPE!
It's her second year at the school i'm attending and her brother took a year off and is in Australia right now.
We were talking about why people don't take the CHSPE and how people don't really know about it, but that it's such a good thing to do to get ahead.
&well that really made my day :]
Lecture ends at 12.30 then i head directly to Calculus that starts at 12.45
At first I was really scared of this class, already struggling in the first week.
I've always hated functions and stuff like that.
Now that we're covering limits and other things, I find it easy, but if it were my first time doing this, i'd be soo lost.
After this class [2.10] I'll usually hang out with my new friend Manon for a while until she has to go to her next class.
On Wednesday I actually went to a coffeeshop for some poetry thing for extra credit.
Yeah, I didn't really pay attention. In all honesty, I just went because this girl was going to be there. haha.
After the Coffee Shop, we ended up going to the beach walking, & talking &what not.
it was nice :]

My first class of the day is Tennis, which starts at 12.45.
This class is awesomely fun.
I love the people in it, it's just a relief and makes me feel like i have a bunch of friends haha.
Tuesday I went downtown with my new friend Luis who was showing me around and introduced me to some people.
Later on I had English from 6-9 pm.
The first hour consisted of "Doc" taking role and asking us something we did in the past week.
I met this cute girl in that class [thus why I went to the coffeeshop the next day].
I also met Jair, an israeli guy who works in the cafeteria & used to live in New York.
I asked him if he liked NY or SB better he says
"Ehh. . .it's like trying to compare milk and eh. . . pepsi. . .two very different things!"
haha idk i love that quote.

I have Chem Lab at 8 am on thursdays.
I was so tired & almost late.
I actually like Chemistry, it's sorta fun.
We ended kinda early, around 10ish.
So I ended up having lots of free time.
I went to the club room and was playing this soccer game
when these guys from Brazil came and asked to play.
They killed me, it was ridiculous.
It was cool though, them talking Portuguese and what not.
So then i went to tennis and again it was fun.
Stayed after class to rally with some kid.
Went home saw the tennis channel, knocked out.

Psychology at 8.45
Fun class. i love it.
I just don't think I'll like the physiological aspect of it.
Neurons and all that stuff.
Ends around 11.45ish.
Went to the library, got frustrated, went to that grassy hill overlooking the beach.
Awesome view.
Got a citation for parking in the carpool section >:[
Went to Calculus, had fun talkin to Manon.
After class stopped by at 7-eleven bought a 5hr energy [taste like crap]
& some other stuff and drove back to palmdale.

it's not that exciting.
i don't party or anything.
yet. haha.
but i'm taking 18 units!
I have to get on top of my sh*t and not get behind or i'm screwed.

i'm also having doubts about wanting to go into the medical profession.
before, reading things about medicine and patients and everything would excite me.
my heart would begin to race and i felt, more or less, empathetic towards the doctors.
i felt like that could be me.

now whenever i see anatomical terms or anything like that, it's just like whatever.
typical college student?