August 4, 2009


I don't want to ramble on too much, but just allow me to give a brief history of my last academic school year, which as you may have guessd, is unconventional. Let me start off by saying that this blog is mainly so students can learn froom my experiences and so i can learn about myself.

I began the 2008-2009 School year as a typical high school junior. My workload was a bit aboce average & until this point i maintained a relatively high GPA. For the fall semester I was enrolled in APUSH, Physics, Digital Electronics, Calculus AB/AP, Psychology, Lang&Comp AP, and Photo. As I said, my first semester of high school that year was pretty typical: 5 A's, 2 B's. What Really upset me was that my english teacher didn't really teach, per se, and when i wanted to switch to a different teacher, my counselor said my grade was too high.

I am not sure if it was this, my being bored at this current high school, or looking into the medical professions that caused me to make an impulsive transfer to PHS [known for vappa&med academy]. With that said, in early january i made my move to PHS. Were it not for my kinesiology teacher's persistance to have me take anatomy, i may not be writing this right now, because during the study night for anatomy I met an influential person: Deshi.

To make a long story Short, Deshi re-introduced me to the CHSPE [i was told about it before once at KHS but I didn't care for it.] She convinced me to take it by explaining how it worked. It basically is a 3 1/2 hour test consisisting of writing, reading, & math. I didn't really study for the test and it looked like cake compared to the SATs. The two tests [SATs & CHSPE] were a week apart for me, & believeing i was a good test taker, felt confident. I got a 1730 on my SATs & on the CHSPE i recieved a 442 in Math, 408 in Writing, & 396 in Reading [all out of 450], meaning I passed.

I withdrew from school in May and enrolled at a community college away from home. Deshi also passed, but she enrolled at the cc close to home. This is the essence of my story so far. I would like to write about my thoughts, experiences, regrets, etc. as I progress through college [which i start the 24th]. More of my intentions will be revealed in the future, but for now, this is it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad you have this blog because that is exactly what I am going to do (give I pass the test I just took) so it will be interesting to see what your take on everything is...(:
