August 17, 2009

Of Errands &Cold Feet

I haven't updated in a while, because well, I don't have much to say. . . yet.

I've been running around getting this and that for my room, for school, ordering books, etc., etc.
I start a week from today and I haven't even started packing! I'm waiting for one more book. I have all my other school supplies [i think] and the only other things I need for my room is everything to deal with a BED, a trashcan & lamp. Going to take my things sometime this week, and move in Sunday hopefully.

I need to get mentally prepared to be overwhelmed.
Reality has yet to set in for me. I feel like a little kid living a grown up's life.
Or how those brides you seen on t.v. feel right before they're getting married.
"Ahh am i really getting married? Well, this guy's here already, might as well."
Hopefully I'm ready for this.
Haha well, we'll see how everything goes.
Wish me luck :]

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